Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Kurt Gerhard, D.Min., Rector - 914.337.3545

The Rev. Dr. Kurt Gerhard began his tenure as the tenth Rector of Christ Church in May of 2022. Father Kurt came to Bronxville from St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church and Day School in Washington, D.C. where he served as Rector for 12 years. In addition to his parish role in the Diocese of Washington, he also served as Chair of the Commission on Ministry, on the Diocesan Council, and as a deputy to General Convention. Prior to his time at St. Patrick’s, Father Kurt was the Chaplain and Religious Studies Department Chair at St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Austin, TX. He was born and raised in Nebraska. He holds a Doctorate of Ministry from Virginia Theological Seminary and a Masters of Divinity from the Seminary of the Southwest. He is married to Jennifer, a palliative care physician and an active Episcopalian, and they are parents to Esther.

Father Kurt’s greatest passion is to connect with people and help them find new paths in life. He often preaches about the effect of current events on our spiritual lives and the Christian responsibility to bring about heaven here on earth. Outside the church, Fr. Kurt is an avid board gamer (that is where he met his wife) and enjoys golf and tennis.

Father Kurt is available for spiritual conversations, pastoral care, as a sounding board, or for any other kind of help. You can schedule a meeting with him by visiting his Calendly page.

The Rev. Kathryn Reinhard, Ph.D., Assistant to the Rector - 914.930-6881

Mother Kathryn began her service as a priest at Christ Church in September 2023. Mother Kathryn oversees parish fellowship and spiritual development which includes strengthening parishioners to pastor each other, facilitating service partnerships with our neighbors, and preaching, teaching and leading liturgy on our clergy team. Mother Kathryn was ordained in the Diocese of New York in 2008 after earning an M.Div. at Yale Divinity School. She assisted at Christ Church in New Haven and then at Christ and St. Stephen’s in New York City while earning a Ph.D. at Fordham in Systematic Theology. She taught religious studies at Gwynedd Mercy University near Philadelphia before accepting the call to Christ Church. Her references celebrated Mother Kathryn’s pastoral sensibilities, her gift for explaining difficult theological concepts, and her sense of humor. The rave reviews of her undergraduate students note that they didn’t want to take the course, but once they were there, it was worth it because of her. Mother Kathryn makes religion relevant.  Before pursuing a call to ordained ministry, Mother Kathryn moved to New York City to be an actor and earned an undergraduate degree in fine arts from NYU.She is married to Ian Kinman who she met while they were both studying at Fordham. He holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies and is the son of an Episcopal deacon and the brother and husband of Episcopal priests.

The Rev. Leanne Dodge, Ph.D., Assisting Clergy 

Mother Leanne served at Christ Church as she concluded her formation for priesthood after moving to Mount Vernon from the city with her husband. She serves as the chaplain of a mental health hospital and assists at Christ Church with young adults/college ministry and liturgical training. She also participates on the clergy team as a preacher and leader of liturgy.

Christopher Wells, Interim Music Director

Christopher was the Director of Music at Christ Church from 2002-2015. For the past years, he was the Director of Music at Christ Church Cranbrook. We are excited to welcome him back to Christ Church.

Ian Kinman, Parish Administrator - 914-337-3544

Ian moved to Bronxville and to Christ Church this past August when his wife, the Rev. Dr. Kathryn Reinhard, assumed the role of Assistant to the Rector. Ian was an architect before returning to graduate school to pursue a Ph.D. in the Bible from Fordham. He is an adjunct member of the faculty to Fordham and teaches other biblical courses online. Ian’s work with Christ Church includes coordinating the facility and staff calendars, creating bulletins and the weekly newsletter, and updating the database.

James Conry, Facilities Manager

James recently retired after over 35-years as an electrician working primarily in the city. He has experience overseeing teams of people as a foreman of a 10-person team. James lives on West Pondfield Rd., just a short walk from Christ Church, with his wife and daughter.

Laura Fairchild, Youth Minister - 914-337-3544

Laura will be working with our EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) on Monday evenings. She brings with her years of experience working with undergraduates. She is currently the Associate Director of Mission and Ministry at Iona University. Laura holds a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton and a BS from Kean University.


Jose Braga, Sexton

Jose has been the go-to guy of Christ Church for almost 20 years. He is the proud father of three kids and grandfather of four kids. If you can't find Jose around CCB, you're probably at the wrong church!